Thursday, January 21, 2010

New blog

Deyner and Kyvin's blogs are now combined into one - see their new blog here: Deyner and Kyvin

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Deyner's First M&G

Today was our first M&G - wow, that was FUN! We were late cuz our foster human had to work, but we made up for lost time as soon as we arrived. My brother Kyvin and I went right to the crowd and, I have to say, I think we were very popular.

This is handsome me, posing for the camera. My brother Kyvin is working the crowd behind me.

This is handsome me giving a MANLY kiss to a nice human. He was thrilled, of course.

This is handsome me giving a melting glance to a very nice lady that seemed to really like me.

This is handsome me hanging out with my brother Kyvin. We were resting a little after all our socializing. Ready? OK, bro, let's get 'em again....

This is handsome me and my brother, schmoozing again - we really didn't knock this nice human down. He was so overwhelmed by our handsomeness that I think he wanted a closer look at us.

Now, this human really liked us and we really liked him too. We thought he was greyt! We even posed for pictures. I'm the handsome one.

We're going to be back next week, and we'll see everyone again then!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fun in the sun

That's me - I'm Deyner! I'm almost as big as those trees, but I'm really very gentle. We got to spend some time in the sun today and I have to say, I like the sun more than the snow.

I was so happy today that I ran all over the yard! Watch out... here I come!!

See? I told you I'd stop!

I think I'm more handsome than my brother Kyvin. What do you think?

After running in the yard, I was ready for some rest. First I had to climb the scary steps. The human couldn't get pictures of that since she was so busy pushing me. Once I got up here, I found a bed and plopped down. The human plopped down too.

I'm resting up for the really really scary trip down the stairs. Where's an elevator when you need one.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spreading his wings

Today Deyner really started to show his personality! He squeeked a toy, and talked just a little! Mostly, he was just handsome ☺

So how big is BIG?

It's hard capture Deyner's size in a picture. I stood him next to Triple and Rising to try to get a comparison to a 60-65 lb greyhound. Despite his size, Deyner is so easy to have around - he's calm and not at all destructive. He's amazing!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Deyner and Kyvin

Here are the two brothers together - they grew up together, and raced together, and were eventually adopted together.

Snow dog

Deyner is a true gentle giant. He's amazingly calm and respectful when you consider he's 99 lbs! He's enjoyed the snow, but prefers the indoors more than his brother Kyvin. He loves treats and snoozes through the night. We're working on stuffies - neither he or his brother show any interest right now.